
Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

Somali Leaders Approve New Constitution

NAIROBI, Kenya — Somalia's National Constituent Assembly has overwhelmingly approved a new draft constitution, in a critical step toward ending the country's long political transition. The vote followed days of debate on some controversial aspects of the charter.
The constituent assembly passed the new constitution Wednesday in Mogadishu with a vote of 621 in favor, 13 against, and 11 abstaining.
The constituent assembly met under tight security at a former police training center in Mogadishu.

Suicide bombers thwarted

Two suicide bombers attempted to enter the venue before the vote but were shot and killed by security forces. Authorities say at least one bomber detonated explosives during the clash, injuring several security officers.

Somali police men carry an injured Somali soldier in Mogadishu, August 1, 2012 . The soldier was injured after two suicide bombers who were trying to blow up the constituent assembly venue were shot dead by security forces, police said.


Somali police men carry an injured Somali soldier in Mogadishu, August 1, 2012 . The soldier was injured after two suicide bombers who were trying to blow up the constituent assembly venue were shot dead by security forces, police said.
​​Passing the new constitution moves Somalia closer to its goal of establishing new political institutions before a United Nations mandate for the existing transitional government ends on August 20. Somali leaders still have to select a new parliament and elect a new president by that deadline, now less than three weeks away.
In addition to laying out the framework for the next government, the constitution also establishes Somalia as a Muslim country. It guarantees the right for every person to practice his or her religion freely, but prohibits the propagation of any religion other than Islam.

It also guarantees the rights of women to be included in all national institutions.

A member of the constituent assembly, Ibrahim Salah, said he voted to approve the constitution, despite his objections to some of the content - including the fact that it does not explicitly name Mogadishu as the federal capital.
“I voted yes,” he said, “because, we looked at the constitution over the last three days, after being broken off into groups, and we discussed all the clauses in the constitution that the Somali people were not comfortable with.”
Moving toward new parliament, president

Salah said even though the constituent assembly was not allowed to make changes to the draft before voting on it, their recommendations will be forwarded to the new parliament.
The U.N. says the new constitution will be provisional until approved through a national referendum.
In the next step in the political process, a group of traditional elders are to select members of a new parliament, who will then elect a president.
In a statement this week, U.N. Special Representative Augustine Mahiga noted “disturbing reports” of aspiring politicians using bribery and intimidation to try to get a seat in parliament. He warned that “the people responsible for this kind of undue influence or intimidation tactics will be categorized as spoilers.”